Saturday, September 26, 2009

Football Season

Our weekends around here mean one thing. Football! The season has begun and Rob is already hooked. BYU on Saturdays and Redskins (whne they are on) on Sundays, sometimes even Monday nights. ESPN is literally on all day at my house. Or Channel 13 or 2...depends which station has football on it. I will give him some credit we do get to pick something that is recorded on the DVR when we are going to bed. I forget about football season until fall when it roles around again (I like it much more than Baseball) Don't get me wrong, I like watching them too but when it is on ALL day it eats at you sometimes....there is only so many bad sports commentators, and screaming fans I can take in one day. So, here is to a quick and exciting football season...

1 comment:

Angela W. said...

i know what you mean! I told Luther the other day that weekend tv sucks and he said no football is on. I think he helped me prove my point. :)
I can stand it every once in awhile but when it takes up my entire weekend, it gets old!
Hope that you guys are doing well! Your puppy is so cute and I LOVE her name.
Take care!